There Goes May!

Well that went RIDICULOUSLY quick!!

I’m sure I’m not the only one out there who noticed that this year has not only been racing, but FLYING by! It seems like only yesterday that I was sitting in my bedroom in Kansas writing songs about messing up and wondering what my life would become.

Sometimes it’s the worst of situations that force you to re-evaluate your life and push you to turn everything around. Once you get a game plan the most important aspect is maintaining your progress. I am WONDERFUL at starting new projects, but not so much at the latter. When I was younger I started so many different projects (Dance class, Piano, Flute, and Guitar Lessons, etc) and ended up quitting each one because of the “inconvenience” effect it had on my free time. I cannot tell you just how much I regret giving up those opportunities because of a temporarily out of commission imposition.

That’s why I am more determined THAN EVER to keep on track, put in the hard work, and make my dreams come true. So what to do when that snarly voice sneaks up during the middle of my day? That voice that screams ‘I’M SO TIRED! I’M JUST NOT GOING TO DO ANYTHING TODAY!!’ and nearly bullies the rest of my mind to go along? Lately I’ve been cycling a mantra through those difficult situation that goes: ‘This is MY choice, MY dream, and if I don’t do it, then no one else will!’ It may seem rather harsh, but when you’re constantly battling an inner 4-year-old, you have to lay down some serious ground rules!

With that being said, this week, although containing some lows, did prove to be one of my most exciting and exhilarating yet! On Tuesday I saw, for the first time, my idol, Lady Gaga. This was not only an incredibly emotional experience but also an amazing learning opportunity! Watching Gaga, a fellow 5’1″ brunette with a massive electronic obsession KILLING it onstage without a sign of exhaustion inspired me. She used to be just as scared and insecure as I have felt and yet, she pushed through her stage freight and told the world ‘You know what? I’m going to do whatever the HELL I want on stage!’ From that she created one of the most innovative and create shows I have ever had the pleasure to witness! HANDS DOWN, it was the best concert I’ve ever attended~ I even made my way to the front by the end for a better view. Lady Gaga and I made eye contact a couple of times and I completed melted in awe. Long story-short: That woman is AMAZING and I’m even more in love with her now!

On Wednesday I received my 10th tattoo, the full map of Middle Earth on my thigh. This was the most painful, lengthy, and expensive tattoo that I’ve ever got. Was it worth the 3+ hours of pain and intricate detailing? HELLS TO THE YES! I have NEVER been this in love with a tattoo before! I decided on the map as a reminder of two very important lessons I learned from the trilogy:

1. If Frodo and the rest of the Fellowship could completed the MOST EPIC JOURNEY of all time, then the stars the limit for my dreams!

2. Even the most epic of journeys only takes place from The Shire (top left of my thigh) to Mordor (bottom right corner). Be humble and keep matters in perspective.

I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to this weekend! My parents and little brother are coming into town this morning and with their help, hopefully I’ll have a new apartment to live in by the end of the weekend! I am also acting a spokesmodel for Mr. Misunderstood at Soundset on Sunday.

There are so many bright and shiny opportunities waiting for my. All I have to do it reach out and take what is mine!


Gratitude List:

1. Reality Checks – We all fall of the wagon and we all need a little push from time to time. Better to learn your lessons while you can still change the outcome!

2. My Family – having my back since 1992 šŸ™‚

3. May – It’s been a wonderful month and I am THRILLED that everything is finally in full bloom, ready for the WILDEST summer on record!


Keep it Classy NatanYalites!



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